Watch this demo for a quick tour of Edovo Insight.
How do I get access to Edovo Insight?
Depending on your facility, there are
three potential ways to gain access to Insight. We recommend you start by checking with the staff member in your facility responsible for managing Edovo access. If they have Insight access, they can grant it to you.
How do I explore and review content?
From the Insight dashboard, click on Content. The Content Directory provides an overview of each content item available at your facility. Search or browse to explore what's available, and click into the content card to see content details and lessons associated, review pass criteria, view course enrollments and learner engagement metrics and assign content to learners. Find out more about exploring content
in this article.
How do I assign content to a learner?
Staff with the Strategic or Executive role can assign content to learners. After you make the assignment, the learner will receive a notification with a security link to the course in the profile, and all assigned content can be seen int he Assignment sections of their My Edovo section.
Follow these steps to assign content.
How do I review a learner's performance?
The platform allows you to track and analyze a learner's progress through courses. You can view course details, progress, scores, and time spent. Additional features include filtering, sorting, and exporting data. While courses are the primary focus for tracking progress, you can also see engagement with other learning resources.
Follow these steps.
What are certificates and transcripts and how do I view/print them?
transcript is a comprehensive record of all courses a learner has completed on Edovo at your facility. It includes course titles, descriptions, and the total time spent on each course. A
certificate verifies the completion of a single Edovo course. It displays the learner's name, course title, and completion date. For more details and example of each
visit this page. Follow t
hese instructions to view and print them in Insight.
Want to keep diving into Insight Functionality? Head on over to the
Edovo Insight section of the Knowledge Base.