How To Navigate the "Analytics" tab

How To Navigate the "Analytics" tab

The analytics section within Insight provides a quick snapshot of learner activity on the platform. This section offers real-time reporting on the top data points including course completion and the number of active learners. By selecting the filter at the top of the screen staff can adjust the date range for the displayed facility analytics to the desired time frame needed. 

If you have access to more than one facility (such as a DOC), scroll to the bottom of this article to learn more about accessing all of your agencies facilities. 

The default view on the analytics screen will initially reflect the past 7-days of the facility's activities on the Edovo platform until the date rage is updated.

More information including the  popular courses and top quiz takers for your specific site can be found on this page located beneath the line graphs.  This information shows you exactly which courses your learners are taking and help identify the most productive learners on Edovo in your facility. 

If any point you would like to download the data for further analysis simply click on the menu in the upper right hand corner of the chart and you can download the data or image where relevant. There is even the ability to edit a pivot table directly in the platform when applicable. 

For those using Edovo tablets, you will be able to look into all historical log in records by searching Learner ID, Asset ID or even Serial numbers.

Viewing Analytics for Multiple Facilities

If you use Edovo at multiple facilities, you can view aggregate analytics for any and all of your facilities, regardless of what facility you’re logged into. By default, you will see data for your logged-in facility. Use the facility filter to add or remove facilities from your analytics view.

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