Managing Insight Users

Managing Insight Users

Need to Invite new Insight Users? Visit this article on how!

When in the Manage Insight Users page, you can make changes to an existing user by clicking the edit button in the row for that user. You’re able to edit attributes of that individual, reset their password, and remove their account. 

Edit Insight Users To make changes to an existing user account, click edit in the row for the user.

When you click Edit Attributes, you can change the user's name, email, role and disable their account. These changes will apply across all facilities the user has access to.

A user can only have one role whether they have access to one or multiple facilities. If a user should have different roles across facilities, they will need to separate accounts with unique email addresses for each.

Simply need to audit who in your facility has access to Insight? Head to Administration > Manage Insight Users and review who is enabled, pending and Disabled within your facility: 

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