How to Assign Content to a Learner

How to Assign Content to a Learner

Staff with the Strategic or Executive role can assign content to learners in Insight. You can assign content from Edovo's robust content catalog or create your own using Editor.

Assign content to Learners individually or in bulk by clicking 'Assign to Learners,'
To assign a content item:
  1. Navigate to the Content Directory by clicking "Content" from the home screen or in the top navigation bar
  2. Browse or search by name to find the content you want to assign in the Content Directory
  3. Click into the content item
  4. Click 'Assign to Learners' from either 'About' or 'Enrollments'
  5. Search for and select learner(s) to assign. You can also add all active Learners at your site in one click
  6. Confirm or customize the assignment notification to ensure assignees receive the appropriate context of the assignment
  7. Click 'Assign'
Once you create the assignment, a notification with a secure link to the course is sent to the assigned learner(s). The learners can see all their assigned courses in the Assignments section of My Edovo.