How to Navigate the "Learner" Tab in Insight

How to Navigate the "Learner" Tab in Insight

When facility staff first log in to Edovo Insight, they can click on the blue tab labeled “Learners”. 

By clicking into the Learners tab, Staff members will see a list of all of the Edovo Learners at the facility. 

Learners are responsible for creating their own accounts on Edovo. Anyone that is in the ID feed is eligible to create their account. Anyone that is removed from the ID feed and has an account is automatically deactivated from the system; disabling them from being able to login. No Learner accounts can be created on Insight; all accounts are created directly within the Edovo Learn Application.

Facility Staff can choose to view all of the Learners or by filter from Activated Users to All or Deactivated. This will adjust the  search accordingly.

Staff can also search the Learners by first name, last name, or their inmate ID number in order to find the appropriate parties as needed. 

Remember, Staff can also create Learner groups, which allow a staffer to take action on a smaller group of Learners. For more information on Learner Groups, check out this article

In the Learner tab, Staff can message all learners, edit their profiles and see what content they have engaged with. If a user were to click into a Learner profile, they can actually dive into their coursework, and check their progress. 

At the top of the profile, the Staff has the ability to send messages, turn off/on the ability to access Edovo (manage services), reset passwords and generate a transcript. 
  1. Sending Messages allows Staff members to send either standard or mandatory messages to the individual Learner. Standard messages simply notify the Learner that they have a notification within their Edovo profile. Mandatory messages pop up on the Learners screen and interrupts their activity for acknowledgement
  2. Turning off and on the Learner activity allows you to manage an individuals ability to access the Edovo application. For more information, check out this article
  3. Resetting a password for a Learner can occur within this portal. You can either reset their password clicking on the grey Reset Password button or you can reset the answers to a Learners security questions in order to enable the Learner to restart their own password. For more information, check out this article
  4. Lastly, the ability to generate a Transcript. A Transcript captures a Learners activity on the platform and paints a clear and concise picture of their engagement. 
Below those four options the Staff member can view the account Info, track Learner log-ins, coursework and investigate. 

  • Account Info : what populates by default and shows the general account information, including the ability to reset security question answers
  • Login Record:   captures when the individuals have logged into the platform
  • Coursework: staff members can view all of the progress a Learner has made within each individual course, along with their quiz scores and completion status
  • Investigate allows staff members to view all short answer and essay question answers typed into the system.
    • Here facility staff can search specific words that are included within the answers that the learner has typed into the system. The other way to research a Learners answers is by going into the investigate tab, which will be covered in a separate video.