How to Create and Manage Learner Groups

How to Create and Manage Learner Groups

Insight users with Strategic and Executive roles can create Learner groups to more easily assign courses and view Learner activity for groups of Learners in Edovo.

When to create Learner groups

A Learner group is a helpful tool that will allow you to more efficiently use Edovo to support rehabilitation and supplement existing programs at your facility. Some uses of Learner groups include:
  1. Create a Learner group for individuals on work detail that would benefit from specialized training related to their jobs and allow them to better leverage their experience into a career post-release. For example, create a group to assign culinary coursework to individuals on kitchen duty.
  2. Case managers can create groups for their clients so they can easily focus on only the Edovo activity of those individuals and get a greater understanding of their engagement with learning and rehabilitation material. You can even create Learner groups tailored to specific criminogenic needs. For example, create a group specifically for individuals with substance use issues and provide them with relevant content suggestions.
  3. Educators can create Learner groups for their classes to easily provide them with supplemental learning material on Edovo. For example, create a group for emergent readers and assign reading practices to support their literacy journey.

I don’t think the teachers would have considered even using the tablets if not for the Groups. The groups make it possible for a teacher to follow up on assignments in reasonable way. -MA County Jail

Create a Learner group

To create a custom Learner group:
  1. Click Add New Learner Group from the Insight home screen
  2. Enter a name and optional description for your group
  3. Click Confirm to create your group
  4. Open the group by clicking on the Learner group name on the home screen
  5. Search for Learners by name (first, last, or partial) or ID using Filters
  6. Click Add Learner for each Learner you want to add
Create and access custom Learner groups directly from the home screen.

If you are primarily using a Learner group as a mechanism to more efficiently monitor overall progress for a group of Learners, you can use your groups as a shortcut to the Learner Engagement screen. Simply click the name of any Learner to navigate to view all of that Learner’s coursework. You can then use your browser’s back button to return to the Learner group.

Assign a course to a Learner group

To assign courses to your Learner group, click on the Course Assignments option in the menu on the left side of the screen when you’re on the screen for a specific Learner group. This will bring you to a screen where you can see all the courses assigned to your group. To add new assignments, click on the Assign courses button in the upper right hand side of the screen. There, you can find courses by searching them by name or description using the available filters. Once you’ve found a course to assign, simply click Assign course.
Encourage more meaningful engagement by assigning relevant courses to Learner Groups.
When a Learner group is assigned a course, all Learners in that group receive a notification about the assignment and can see the assignment in the ‘My Edovo’ section of their app. If you add Learners to the group after the group is assigned a course, those Learners will be notified of the assignment(s) when they are added to the group.

View assignment progress for your Learner groups

Once you’ve assigned courses to your Learner group(s), you can easily see and compare Learner progress through their assignments. Simply click into any assignment in the Course Assignments page to see how each Learner in the group is doing in a given assignment. If you want to drill into an individual Learner’s progress through the assignment, you can click the More button and select the View answers option. This will open the Learner’s course progress screen in a new tab so you can view their engagement in detail.

Additionally, if you want to provide words of encouragement or advice, you can select the option to Send Learner feedback to send the Learner a feedback message that links directly to the assignment you’re providing feedback for.

Important notes on the limitations of Learner groups

Learner groups will continue to receive updates over time but there are currently a few important limitations that will affect how you should plan to use Learner groups:
  1. Because a Learner group is solely a tool for Insight users to more effectively manage and support learning on Edovo, a Learner cannot see what groups they are placed in.
  2. Learners groups are distinct from 'Housing group actions' which are only available to facilities configured to supply housing data via the ID feed integration.
  3. A Learner group can only be viewed and managed by the Insight user who created it.
  4. A Learner group’s name and description cannot be changed.
  5. A Learner group cannot be deleted; however, all Learners and assignments can be removed from the group if the group is no longer needed.
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