How to Reset a Learner's Password

How to Reset a Learner's Password

Resetting a Learner's password is a capability for anyone with access to Insight starting at the baseline level of permission; Front line. 

Remember: Learners are capable of reseting their own password so long as they remember the answers to their security questions that they set up during the account creation process. Want to learn more? Check out this article

If you need to help a Learner reset their password, Staff members can take one of two approaches: 
  1. The Staffer can enter in new answers to the Learner's security questions enabling the Learner to reset their own password 
  2. The Staffer can reset the Learner password to anything that they would like
In order to take either action, the Staff member will need to log into Insight and head to the "Learners" tab: 

Find the Learner in which the Staffer would like to edit by searching their name or ID. Once the staff member finds the right Learner, selecting their profile will open their main page: 

If the staffer wants to enable the Learner to reset their own password, the Staffer will want to update the two security questions listed. These questions were selected and originally answered by the Learner. With the correct answers from the Learner, the Staff member should enter those correct answers into the Security Questions text field and then click "Save" 

The other option is simply resetting the Learner's password itself. 

Within the same page above, at the profile level, click on the "Reset Password" button: 

At this point, a screen will pop up on the page and ask the Staffer to enter the new password twice. The entries must match: 

Once the entries are in, click "Save" and the password will be reset!