How a Learner Can Reset their Password

How a Learner Can Reset their Password

There are two ways for a Learner to reset their password:

  1. A Learner can reach out to a facility staff member with Insight access and the staff member can reset the password or security question answers through Insight or
  2. A Learner can reset their own password is by selecting the “Forgot Your Password” option upon opening the login screen on the Edovo Learn Application
The process to reset a password through Insight can be found here.

The process of a Learner resetting their own password can be found below:

How a Learner Can Reset Password

Upon opening the Edovo application, the Learner should click on the blue "Forgot your password?" button: 
Edovo Learner Log In Screen

They will first be prompted to enter their Facility ID. If an error pops up that the ID does not match our records, have them try again or start back at the "Create Account" process. Only those with Edovo accounts will be allowed to reset their passwords. 

This will prompt the system to pull up their first Security Question which the Learner must answer accurately. 
The security questions asked are determined based on the questions the learner chose upon account creation.

If the individual is unable to answer their security questions successfully, they will need to work with the facility to either reset their password or reset the answers to their security questions in order to reset their own password. 

Once they have answered their security questions successfully, they will be able to enter in a new password which must have at least one letter, one number and at least 6 digits. They will enter this password in twice and then be able to log in with their new password. 
Both passwords must be entered and they must match in order for the password to be reset.

Edovo will not reset Learner's passwords unless requested by the facility staff specifically. This is due to the inability to securely confirm who is requesting such change.

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