How to Navigate the "Investigate" Tab In Insight

How to Navigate the "Investigate" Tab In Insight

When facility staff first log in to Edovo Insight, they can click on the green tab labeled “Investigate” on the left hand side of the screen to dive into any answers that have been typed into the Edovo platform:

Once selected, the staff member will see the available search options for the designated facility. There are three search fields that can help filter the platform responses to aid in a search. 

Add Facility ID: Use this field to search for an individual in the facility by using their Edovo ID (typically the permanent ID # at the facility) 
Hot words : Use this field to search the responses for particular words relevant to your inquiry.  

Remember, you'll need to click the "+" sign in order to add your search criteria

Time Filter: Allows Staff to filter the search history based on when the answer was received, the options available are: '
  1. All Time
  2. Past 7 Days
  3. Past 15 Days
  4. Past 30 Days

You can also navigate to a Learner's profile and Investigate directly from their profile!