Creating a Course using Edovo Editor

Creating a Course using Edovo Editor

Edovo provides a tool to create your own coursework. This tool can be used by Facility staff members, local community partners looking to create and share their content or relevant resources, or anyone else the facility deems necessary. Staff Members with access to Insight (the Edovo Management tool) are able to log into the course editor tool at with their Insight log in. Community partners looking for an account are able to reach our to their facility contact and/or Edovo to get started. 

Access Edovo Editor here:   Edovo Editor
Log in with credentials provided by Facility Staff or Edovo ( for those with access to Insight, simply log in using your Insight credentials):
Once logged in, if you're logging in for the first time, you will see an empty instance of courses. After content creators have created their courses, you will see the titles of those courses available: 

When creating a course for the first time, Creators will start by selecting "New Course": 

The first ask is to create the course title, description and general course information. The required fields are: Image (this is the image the Learner will see when they find your course), Title, and Description. We also ask for Category, Level and Subject; creators will need to select an option and enter a subject, however these fields do not show to the learners: this is internal for Edovo to understand the Creators intention behind the course. 

Lastly, you can identify if you want your course to allow Learners to access the calculator and dictionary directly within the course instead of going to the Dashboard to access. 

Once the fields are complete, Creators can click "Create Course": 

Once the course is created, it will populate on the Creator's dashboard: 

At this point, Creators can either edit the info they just entered or they can start adding lessons to their course. 
When Creators begin creating courses, we recommended considering the structure of the course; how many lessons or pages are desired to be associated within the course? Creating an outline will help in the overall creation of the course. 

To start adding a lesson, simply select "Lessons" which will bring you a new page where you can start adding lessons: 

Once you have created your lessons, add pages within those lessons. Depending on how you want to structure your course, it may be wise to add your pages and then add the content within them, or you can choose to go one page at a time. 

We do recommend only having a few items within a page. As an example, having a title, text and maybe an attachment such as a PDF. The more items added to a page, the longer the individual will be scrolling on a tablet as opposed to moving onto the next page. Here is an example: 

On the left hand side of your Page Order Screen (seen in the above), if you see a red box around a number, it means that items on the page do not yet have content. This helps inform you that while you added the item, you have not yet added anything to the item, such as text, or an image. 

The type of items you can add are: 
  1. Title: Displayed as larger text, this is typically used to title the page within a lesson. 
  2. Text: This is your long form text section. You can format this text using bullets, numbers, bold, italicized, allowing you to have full control over how this content is displayed to the Learner. 
  3. Image
  4. PDF: Remember to consider the user experience; a long PDF may benefit from being broken up through multiple lessons. 
  5. Video: Video content must be compressed using a 3rd party tool prior to uploading on the Edovo Editor Platform
    1. We recommend a free online tool that we use call Handbrake, which can be found here.
  6. Audio: Audio files should not need compressing prior to upload
The type of questions you can use are: 
  1. Multiple Choice: Customize the options for Learners to choose from and allow the system to check for answer correctness. If a multiple choice is checked for correctness, it will be graded automatically and contribute to the Learner’s overall Quiz Score.
  2. Scale: Likert scale questions useful for surveying Learners in a way that’s consistent and easy to interpret. You can select from 6 pre-set Likert answer sets or edit the answers to create your own.
  3. True or False: If a true or false choice is checked for correctness, it will be graded automatically and contribute to the Learner’s overall Quiz Score.
  4. Multi-select: This question will not require an answer or check correctness. It allows Learners to make more than one selection.
  5. Open Response: Free text questions that allow you to ask essay and short answer questions. Open Response can be scored based on Learner effort. If an Open Response question is scored, it will be evaluated automatically and contribute to the Learners overall Open Response score. See more about how open response scoring works here: Open Response Score
  6. Fill in the Blank: Add a blank anywhere in the question to allow Learners to complete the statement. Fill in the blank questions are graded automatically and contribute to the Learner’s overall Quiz Score.
When adding a question you will at times have a prompt to add an explanation. While not required, this will display to the Learner and allow you to provide a correct answer or explain a correct answer to a Learner once they have submitted their answer. 

For more about adding each type of question, see Adding Questions to Content.

Remember! Learners will not be able to review their answers once submitted. Facility staff will be able to see all of the Learners submitted answers, but Learners will see a standard "You answered this question on MM/DD/YYYY" when looking back at previously answered questions. 

Once your course is complete and you're happy with it's structure, follow the steps in this article to publish your course to your Learners. 

Still need some additional guidance? Join one of the upcoming live training sessions and we'll be sure to help you feel more confident using Edovo Editor. 

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