Adding Quiz and Survey Questions to Content
Multiple Choice
To add a graded multiple choice question:
On the desired content page, click the “Multiple Choice” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the multiple choice input field added to the bottom of your content page. Correctness will be enabled by default.
Add your question to the question field.
Add answer options to each answer field. Two answer fields are available by default but you can add additional option fields by clicking the “Add Answer Choice” button.
Click the circle next to the correct answer option to indicate it is correct.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information about the correct answer.
Graded multiple choice questions contribute to the Learner’s Quiz Score in the content.
Adding a graded multiple choice question.To add an ungraded multiple choice question:
On the desired content page, click the “Multiple Choice” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the multiple choice input field added to the bottom of your content page.
Toggle the “Check Answer Correctness” option OFF (gray).
Add your question to the question field.
Add answer options to each answer field. Two answer fields are available by default but you can add additional option fields by clicking the “Add Answer Choice” button.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information.
Ungraded multiple choice questions do not contribute to the Learner’s score in the content.
Adding an ungraded multiple choice question.Likert Scale
Likert scale questions useful for surveying Learners in a way that’s consistent and easy to interpret. They do not contribute to the Learner’s score. To add a Likert scale type question:
Determine which scale you want to use and click the dropdown icon next to the Scale Option (Agreement will be the default) to select your desired scale. Each preset scale will have 5 answer options. Presets are:
Agreement: Strongly agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly disagree
Frequency: Always, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never
Importance: Very important, Important, Moderately important, Slightly important, Not important
Quality: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Very poor
Likelihood: Almost always true, Usually true, Occasionally true, Usually not true, Rarely true
Possibility: Definitely, Probably, Possibly, Probably not, Definitely not
Click the Scale button to add a Likert type question. You will see the Likert scale input field added to the bottom of your content page.
Add your question to the question field.
Adding a Likert Scale question.True or False
To add a true or false question:
On the desired content page, click the “True or False” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the question input field added to the bottom of your content page. Correctness will be enabled by default.
Add your question to the question field.
Click the circle next to the correct answer option to indicate it is correct.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information about the correct answer.
Graded true or false questions contribute to the Learner’s Quiz Score in the content.
Multi-select questions are ungraded questions that allow Learners to select more than one answer. They are primarily used for surveying Learners and do not contribute to the Learner’s score in the content. To add a multi-select question:
On the desired content page, click the “Multi-select” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the question input field added to the bottom of your content page.
Add your question to the question field.
Add answer options to each answer field. Two answer fields are available by default but you can add additional option fields by clicking the “Add Option” button.
Open Response
Open Response questions are free text questions that allow you to ask essay and short answer questions. Open Response can be scored based on Learner effort. If an Open Response question is scored, it will be evaluated automatically and contribute to the Learners overall Open Response score. See more about how open response scoring works here: Open Response Score.
To add a scored Open Response question:
On the desired content page, click the “Open Response” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the question input field and question settings added to the bottom of your content page. Question scoring is on by default in question settings.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information once they submit their answer.
Set the minimum expected length for the Learner’s answer. You can set the minimum length to at least one word, at least one sentence, or at least one paragraph. Learners can submit answers longer than the minimum length; however, answers shorter than expected length will negatively impact the Learner’s open response score.
Scored open response questions can only be added to Courses and Assessments.
Adding a scored Open Response question.To add an unscored Open Response question:
On the desired content page, click the “Open Response” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the question input field and question settings added to the bottom of your content page. Question scoring is on by default in question settings.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information once they submit their answer.
Select “No” for the “Score Question” option in question settings.
Fill in the Blank
To add a graded Fill in the Blank question:
On the desired content page, click the “Fill in the Blank” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the question input field and question settings added to the bottom of your content page. Question scoring is on by default in question settings.
Enter your question in the question field. To add a blank within your question, type one or more consecutive underscores (“_”) where the answer should go. The more underscores you add, the larger the input field will be. You will see a preview of your question directly below the question field.
Add an acceptable answer to the “Credited Answer” field. If more than one answer is acceptable, click the “Add Answer” button to add more acceptable answers. To be considered correct, the Learner’s answer must match at least one of the credited answers; however, answers are not case sensitive. For example, if your question is “1+1=__” you can add credited answers “two” and “2.” In this example, “Two” would also be an accepted response.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information once they submit their answer.
Graded fill in the blank questions contribute to the Learner’s Quiz Score in the content.
Adding a graded Fill in the Blank question.To add an ungraded Fill in the Blank Question:
On the desired content page, click the “Fill in the Blank” option from the Quiz Items menu on the bottom left of your screen. You will see the question input field and question settings added to the bottom of your content page. Question scoring is on by default in question settings.
Enter your question in the question field. To add a blank within your question, type one or more consecutive underscores (“_”) where the answer should go. The more underscores you add, the larger the input field will be. You will see a preview of your question directly below the question field.
Add an acceptable answer to the “Credited Answer” field. If more than one answer is acceptable, click the “Add Answer” button to add more acceptable answers. The Learner’s answer should match at least one of the credited answers; however, answers are not case sensitive. For example, if your question is “1+1=__” you can add credited answers “two” and “2.” In this example, “Two” would also be an accepted response.
Select “No” for the “Score Question” option in question settings.
Add an optional explanation to provide the Learner additional context or information once they submit their answer.
Ungraded fill in the blank questions do not contribute to the Learner’s Quiz Score in the content.
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