Once Edovo is Live: Enhance In-person Programs

Once Edovo is Live: Enhance In-person Programs

At Edovo, we are firm believers in in-person programming and we would never recommend ceasing programs that work at your facility. But we know that in-person programming requires planning, movement, resources and significant planning to support. There are a number of ways to use Edovo to help reduce the work it takes to provide in-person programming, supplement your efforts and more efficiently engage with your learners. There are a number of best practices we recommend: 
  1. Implement Edovo based prerequisites: by requiring an Edovo based prerequisite before applying to an in-person program, you will not only have better prepared Learners for the classroom, but you will reduce the number of Learners on the waitlist, reducing overall managerial needs
  2. Create and assign digital homework: distributing and collecting paper-based homework takes time, can get easily lost or damaged and can be hard to read. Assigning homework through Edovo allows for an easy online review of Learner answers, track progress, and provide feedback and certificates when needed 
  3. Serve your waitlist: We know it can be nearly impossible to provide in person programming to your entire population and that there are likely long waitlists for certain or all programs you offer. Creating a Learner Group of those waitlisted learners allows you to easily assign relevant content for the Learners while they wait patiently to be able to attend your class.
Hampshire County, MA: Tablet Tuesday Program: peer led group promoted by staff. Individuals bring their tablets to group and earn how to search for content, get assistance with work, and share resources. Members of this group have used Reading Level 2 stories to study for their High School Equivalency Exam.
Chess Club Saturday: Using chess instructional courses created by The Gift of Chess individuals can learn the basics of the game and view competitive chess matches with commentary on their tablets. This facility hosts in person group practice with other players and teaches members the art of chess through the generous support of the Gift of Chess Outreach Program. The Gift of chess has agreed to donate chess boards to all Edovo facilities

Interested in exploring how to implement one of these recommendations? Consider attending one of our training sessions, where we talk through the practical ways of delivering on these approaches.