Before Launching Edovo: Access and Trainings

Before Launching Edovo: Access and Trainings

Once your staff is informed that the Edovo application is coming soon, it's important to provide those with the necessary access to the Edovo application and get them signed up for a training. 

1. Invite the right staff members to Edovo Insight. As a reminder, Edovo Insight is the tool for facility staff to manage, view, and track Learner activity on the Edovo Platform and is accessed at Each facility is responsible for managing their own staff permissions to ensure the right team members have access. Staff members have three permission levels: 
  1. Executive: the highest permission level which allows staff to manage and invite new staff, review Learner progress, data and track staff activities
  2. Strategic: Build specifically for those getting involved in programming, monitoring or engaging with the Learners without the ability to manage new staffers
  3. Front Line: Intended only for those on the front lines to support with any necessary password or security question answer resets as needed. 
      For more details on the staff permissions, check out this article
Don't yet have an Insight account? Let your tablet partner or Edovo know you're ready to go, and they'll send you an invite. 

2. Get yourself and your teams trained up. The Edovo training team provides a virtual training weekly. Using this form, have your teams sign up with Edovo for one of the upcoming sessions. The training sessions don't just go through the motions; each sessions act as a mini-consulting session to help you and your agency decide how best to use Edovo in your facility. We look forward to having you there!