What is a publishing tier?

What is a publishing tier?

Edovo’s current agreements with tablet providers have provided us with the opportunity to reach over 450+ facilities and 350,000+ learners. And those numbers are growing! 

However, these agreements only cover a fraction of the costs we incur to review, upload, obtain facility approval, host, and store our library of content. As we continue to grow and reach more incarcerated learners, those costs continue to increase. 

So, to maintain our platform as a free offering to the incarcerated, we are looking for creative solutions to have sustainable growth while also covering our costs. As a nonprofit organization, our priority is to create revenue stability that is not exploitative to the incarcerated or their family and friends. Instead, we’re looking for ways we can invite communities and content providers to help facilitate the delivery of free content to the incarcerated population.

Among numerous solutions, we have introduced publishing fees to help offset the costs we incur to host, publish, and distribute content. To better understand how the publishing tiers work, please refer to the table below.

Publishing Frequency

Maximum Upload Estimate



50 items / year

One time a year, you can submit up to 50 items to be uploaded at once. 

Your 50 items could be a combination of courses, podcast episodes, church sermons, ebooks, newsletters, video documentaries, courses, resources, etc. 

For example, you may have 20 podcast episodes, 12 ebooks, 4 newsletters, and 10 videos you want to upload this year. After you’ve filled out your Learning Resource spreadsheet with all 50 items, you’ll email the spreadsheet to content@edovo.org for upload. 

If you are uploading a course, you’ll follow these steps to get your course published. One course counts as one item that would count towards your 50 items.

By the end of the year, you will have a total of 50 items on the platform.


20 items / quarter

Four times a year - once each quarter, you can submit up to  20 items to be uploaded at once. 

Your 20 items could be a combination of courses, podcast episodes, church sermons, ebooks, newsletters, video documentaries, courses, resources, etc. 

For example, in quarter one, you could fill out your spreadsheet with 10 magazines, 5 podcast episodes, 4 church sermons, and 1 video. After you’ve filled out your Learning Resource spreadsheet with all 20 items, you’ll email the spreadsheet to content@edovo.org for upload. 

If you are uploading a course, you’ll follow these steps to get your course published. One course counts as one item that would count towards your 20 items.

  • Then, for quarter 2, you can upload another 20 unique items. 

  • For quarter 3, you can upload another 20 unique items. 

  • For quarter 4, you can upload another 20 unique items. 

By the end of the year, you will have a total of 80 items on the platform.


10 items / month

Twelve times a year - once each month, you can submit up to 10 items to be uploaded at once. 

Your 10 items could be a combination of courses, podcast episodes, church sermons, ebooks, newsletters, video documentaries, courses, resources, etc. 

For example, in month one, you could fill out your spreadsheet with 3 magazines, 4 podcast episodes, 2 videos, and 1 course. After you’ve filled out your Learning Resource spreadsheet with all 10 items, you’ll email the spreadsheet to content@edovo.org for upload. 

If you are uploading a course, you’ll follow these steps to get your course published. One course counts as one item that would count towards your 10 items.

  • Then, for month 2, you can upload another 10 unique items. 

  • For month 3, you can upload another 10 unique items. 

  • For month 4, you can upload another 10 unique items. 

  • And so on for all 12 months of the year.

By the end of the year, you will have a total of 120 items on the platform.


4 items / week

52 times a year - once each week, you can submit up to 4 items to be uploaded at once. 

Your 4 items could be a combination of courses, podcast episodes, church sermons, ebooks, newsletters, video documentaries, courses, resources, etc. 

For example, in week one, you could fill out your spreadsheet with 3 magazines, 5 podcast episodes, and 2 videos. After you’ve filled out your Learning Resource spreadsheet with all 10 items, you’ll email the spreadsheet to content@edovo.org for upload. 

If you are uploading a course, you’ll follow these steps to get your course published. One course counts as one item that would count towards your 4 items.

  • Then, for month 2, you can upload another 4 unique items. 

  • For month 3, you can upload another 4 unique items. 

  • For month 4, you can upload another 4 unique items. 

  • And so on for all 52 weeks of the year.

By the end of the year, you will have a total of 208 items on the platform.

**One item is considered one mp4, mp3, pdf, course, resource, assessment or survey.

Click here to learn more about what an item is.