Types of Content: Courses, Resources, Assessments and Surveys

Types of Content: Courses, Resources, Assessments and Surveys

Edovo offers a variety of content to fit your learning goals. Each content card displays icons or descriptions to help you identify its type. Sometimes, content is grouped together into a series, like a multi-part lesson plan or episodes from your favorite podcast, making it easy to follow along with each new release. Other times, individual content pieces stand alone.

There are four main types of content:

1. Courses: Courses are interactive, robust curriculum that drives learners toward a clear goal. They guide learning through the material through lessons, test understanding with multiple-choice and open response questions, and award certificates upon completion. Depending on the amount of time spent in the course and the accuracy of quiz answers, the learner will either earn a "Passed" or "Needs Improvement" certificate. Courses are also reflected on a learner transcript.

2. Resources: Resources are supplemental materials, including videos, articles, reentry resources, documentaries, newsletter, podcasts and more. Learners can revisit them at their own pace and deepen their understanding of specific topics. While completing a resource will not earn a learner certificate, resources will display on a learner transcript.

3. Assessments: Used to check progress and placement for a future test or a supplement to current classroom learning.

4. Surveys: Used to easily gather information from learners.

The type of content is listed in the bottom left corner of the content card: