May 2024 Product Release Notes: Enhanced Learner Certificates

May 2024 Product Release Notes: Enhanced Learner Certificates

PLEASE READ, as Edovo will be sending a notification to all Learners about these changes on Thursday afternoon -  June 6, 2024.

Introducing: New and Improved Certificates to Reflect Learner Comprehension

We're excited to announce improvements to our leaner certificates! Previously, certificates simply indicated course completion. Now, they'll reflect a learner's comprehension through a designated mark:
  • Passed: Celebrates satisfactory completion of a course.
  • Needs Improvement: Acknowledges participation and encourages revisiting the course to improve.
Here are images of the new and improved certificates:


Why the Change?

This update aims to provide more meaningful certificates that accurately reflect a Learner's engagement and grasp of the material. This not only enhances the value of the certificate but also motivates Learners to actively participate.

How to Earn a Passing Score

In order to receive a passing score, learners must achieve:
  • Quiz score of 70% or higher 

  • Overall open response score of 80% or higher

  • Adequate time spent in each lesson

Read more about how course scores work here.

What About Previously Earned Certificates?

All previously earned certificates and completed courses on transcription will now display either "Passed" or "Needs Improvement" based on the criteria above.

How to Maximize the Value of Learner Transcripts in Court 

Learner transcripts offer valuable insights into an individual's rehabilitation efforts. Here are some recommendations for utilizing them effectively:
  1. Engage Learners in Transcript Discussion: In court settings, where a learner might not have previously discussed their Edovo activity, initiate a dialogue about their transcript.
    1. Ask them to highlight particularly meaningful courses that have impacted them.
    2. Explore if they completed courses relevant to their charges. For instance, did someone charged with domestic violence complete anger management? Similarly, did someone facing drug charges participate in a substance use course?
  2. Transcripts for Positive Outcomes: Courts and agencies have successfully used Edovo transcripts to support various positive outcomes:
    1. Reduced sentencing
    2. Charge level or class reduction
    3. Fulfilling mandatory programming or class requirements
    4. Demonstrating adherence to probation or parole conditions
  3. Targeted Coursework for Tangible Results: Facilities and courts can further enhance transcript relevance by considering credit for specific course categories. We offer a curated list of courses recommended for achieving tangible outcomes.