Do Learners earn a certificates or get transcripts?

Do Learners earn certificates or get transcripts?

Edovo provides incarcerated people with access to over 25K hours of academic, vocational, and self-improvement programming. This programming has been vetted and built for corrections. We offer 4 main types of content: 

  1. Courses: An interactive resource with a focused learning objective and mechanism through which a Learner can demonstrate learning. Completing Courses will earn a Learner a certificate and be listed on the Learner's transcript. We have about 700 robust courses on the platform. 
  2. Interactive & Learning Resources: Content that a Learner can revisit and review as needed. Examples include Reentry resources, practice materials, documentaries, newsletters, facility notices, and learning activities. Completing resources will not provide a certificate but will soon be listed on a Learner's transcript. We have thousands of resources on the platform ranging from practice tests to documentaries and podcast episodes to books. 
  3. Assessments: Used to check progress and placement for a future test or a supplement to current classroom learning
  4. Surveys: Use a survey to easily gather information from Learners

Courses are the most comprehensive content item on the platform. Completing courses earns a Learner a certificate and placement on the first page of a Learner's transcript. Typically, we only see time in courses being used toward any type of earned time credit or sentence reduction. This would be our recommendation. (Note: A certificate is a standard one-page document that shares the Learner's name, course name, and the date. A Transcript is almost like a Learner's report card - it shows a comprehensive report of a Learner's time) 

Interactive and Learning Resources are supplemental learning. Completing a resource does not provide the learner with a certificate, but is listed on a transcript as supplemental learning time. We value time in resources; some resources can be life-changing to an individual, so while we don't recommend offering credit for them, we recognize that some learners may defend why a particular Resource was meaningful or changed them; and it's worth taking that into consideration. 

To learn how to access Certificates and Transcripts, click here.
To learn more about Certificates and Transcripts, click here.