April 4, 2023 Product Release Notes: Content Re-Categorization and Introduction of new Content Types

April 4, 2023 Product Release Notes: Content Re-Categorization and Introduction of new Content Types

On April 4, 2023, Edovo introduced several new types of content leading to a system-wide reorganization.

Historically, Edovo has delivered two types of educational content to Learners:
  1. Courses - content that has interactive elements like quiz or survey questions, appears on transcripts, and can earn a Learner certificates.
  2. Learning Resources - standalone videos, audio files, or readings lacking interactive elements.
We recognize that there are certain types of content that don't fit neatly into either of these categories. This limitation caused some interactive content to be categorized as a course despite lacking a learning objective or mechanism though which a Learner can show they've achieved that objective. As a result, content like surveys or newsletters were listed as courses on Learner transcripts. As we strive to offer the best tablet-based learning experience available in corrections, we know it's important that transcripts are an accurate display of educational achievement. Furthermore, we want to improve content information and transparency, ensuring details about types of content are visible and clearly labeled in both Learn and Insight.

We have been working hard at expanding the types of content available on Edovo. On April 4, we reorganized all content into four categories:

Here is what you need to know about this change: 
  1. As always, only Courses will earn a Learner certificates and be listed on transcripts.
  2. Some content previously categorized as a course will be reclassified as a Resource, Assessment, or Survey. These items will be removed from transcripts.
  3. You will be able to review all content types in Insight's Content Directory, not just Courses.
  4. Your analytics will change: with the expansion of content types, you will no longer see as many course completions but you will be offered a total number of content completions with a breakdown of course, resource, assessment and survey completions. In the coming weeks, you will be presented with your future data breakdown to review ahead of this change. 
  5. Soon after the initial re-categorization effort, we will introduce the ability to for you to create resources, surveys, and assessments in addition to courses in the Edovo Editor.

Log into Insight and head to Analytics (if you do not see Analytics, this means you do not have the proper permissions to view them).  

Once there, you will see a number of new queries that will help you learn more about these changes and how it will impact your reports. Keep your eye out for updates to our Analytics article that will help explain each of the individual charts!