What is Edovo’s definition of a survey?

What is Edovo’s definition of a survey?

A Survey is a series of questions used to easily gather information from Learners. This content does not have clear learning objectives or assessments, nor does it have curriculum or in-depth material to teach Learners about a specific subject. However, Surveys can be part of a Resource or Course as well as live independently, containing questions with no right or wrong answer for Learners to complete.

Examples of Surveys on Edovo 

  1. Grow with Google Applied Digital Literacy Skills
  1. The Marshall Project: Civic Engagement Survey 
    1. Description: The Marshall Project invites you to participate in our Behind the Wall survey, designed to capture the political opinions and leanings of incarcerated individuals. Your insights are invaluable and will contribute to a deeper understanding of the political perspectives within the incarcerated community across the United States. This survey seeks to explore your views on a range of political issues, how incarceration factors into your political beliefs, and your thoughts on civic engagement. By sharing your experiences and opinions, you can help shape public discourse and inform policymakers about the perspectives of incarcerated people.
  1. LinkedIn Learning Job Interests and Readiness
    1. Descrption: In the coming weeks, LinkedIn Learning will be publishing courses to the Edovo platform. Ahead of that, they are conducting a pre-survey to better understand you, so that they may better serve currently and formerly incarcerated people. Your participation in this pre-survey is VOLUNTARY and ANONYMOUS to LinkedIn Learning. You may choose to not participate in the pre-survey, and still participate in future LinkedIn Learning coursework. Your honest feedback and participation will help hundreds of thousands of incarcerated people throughout the USA. We value your time and opinions in this survey and thank you in advance for helping, if you choose to!
  1. Ear Hustle Survey
    1. Description: Hey Ear Hustle listeners, We’re reaching out to Edovo users who have actively interacted with Ear Hustle. You have been selected for a chance to participate in a nationwide Catch a Kite episode where everyday people in society ask questions regarding incarceration. We normally ask people locked up in California, but for this episode, we’re expanding across the nation, via the new prison tablets and the Edovo app.
  1. Visitation 2.0 Survey
    1. A survey to hear your thoughts and feedback on the Visitation 2.0 series.

Email content@edovo.org to learn more about running a survey.