Troubleshooting Insight User Invitation Issues
If your Insight Invitation has expired, please contact the Edovo Administrator at your facility to request a new invitation.
Users with the
role can manage invitations for pending users from the User Management screen in Insight. Click the three dot action button for a pending user to see options to Resend or Cancel invitations.
Click the three dot action button for a pending user to see options for managing a user account.
Resend Invitations
If an invited user has deleted their invitation email or the invitation has expired, resend an invitation
to that user
by clicking "Resent Invite". Like new user invitations, resent invitations expire 72 hours after they are sent.
Cancel Invitations
If a pending user was invited in error, their invitation can be canceled with the "Cancel Invite" button. Canceling an invitation completely removes the user from Insight.
After a user’s invitation is canceled, you can invite them again in the future if need be.
It can take up to a minute for an invitation cancellation to process and you will see a message alerting you when the cancellation is complete. If you do not see that message, click the Cancel Invite button again and wait until you see the success message. Refresh the page after the invitation is canceled to confirm the user has been removed.
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