Tips for Incorporating Videos

Tips for Incorporating Videos

When it comes to videos, the thing is, there is no one video length to rule them all.

However, the most recent research suggests that the optimal length of an online course video is 6 to 12 minutes. 

Additional data suggests that the majority of viewers want informational and instructional videos to be less

than 20 minutes, with a preference toward the 3-6 minute ranges. 

That being said, learners will watch videos over 30 minutes, and they’ll even identify them as “great.” 

So, if video length isn’t the best way to determine whether your video will be successful, what is? 

Think of it like cooking. 

The amount of time you need depends on what you’re making. 

You can’t make a homemade sourdough in 10 minutes and you don’t need three hours to make a piece of toast. 

The dish determines the length of time it takes to cook. Similarly, your content should inform the length of your video.

Short, bite-sized videos
2–5 minutes can be good for quick, focused lessons on specific topics. According to a LinkedIn study, shorter videos can help students engage more and complete activities. A Boclips study found that videos of 0–3 minutes had the highest levels of student engagement.

Medium-length videos
10–15 minutes can be more effective for more complex or in-depth lessons.

Longer videos
20–30 minutes can be beneficial for more comprehensive lessons that cover multiple topics or concepts. 

You can also consider the median watch time for an individual viewing session, which some say is 12–13 minutes, with a mean of 17–20 minutes.