How to Send Standard and/or Mandatory Messages to Learners

How to Send Standard and/or Mandatory Messages to Learners

Before you start messaging your Learners, consider what type of message you want to send. Do you want to send the message to ALL learners or a specific Learner? 

When logging into Insight, if you click "Learners" you will be able to send a message quickly by clicking the blue button on the right side. This is sending a message to ALL learners. To send a message to an individual Learner, be sure to click into their profile first. 

Mandatory message to all Learners

There are two types of messages that facility staff can send to Learners'. 
1. Standard Message- a regular message/notification that the learner has the option to view in their notifications at any given time.
2. Mandatory Message- a mandatory message is a message that will pop up as soon as the Learner' logs in, and must be acknowledged upon logging into the Edovo Learn platform before proceeding. 

To send either of these messages, start by clicking on the blue tab labeled  "Learners". 
Facility staff have the option to send mass messages to all learners, or send them directly to individual learners. 
  1. In order to send a mass message to all Learners click on the blue "Message All Users" button on the screen. 
  2. Once on the screen, staff members can choose whether or not they want to send a "Standard" or "Mandatory" message.
  3. After that, they can type out the message and press send.
How to Send a Direct Message

To send a message to an individual Learner, a facility staff member must search for the Learner' by first name, last name, or facility ID, and click on their profile. 
  1. After clicking the "Send Message" option, determine whether or not the message being sent is a Mandatory or Standard Message.
  1. Type out the message, press send, and the message will appear in the Learners' notifications!

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