How to Review and Start a Course

How to Review and Start a Course

Edovo is a self-directed platform that lets learners learn at their own pace, start and stop whenever they want, and pick up right where they left off. Reviewing and starting a course is easy.

1. Course details: Quickly identify the course title, see time estimates for each lesson, and use the dropdown arrows to read a description of each lesson. Click "Enroll in course" to begin.

2. About this course: Get a detailed description of the course content and objectives.

3. How to pass this course: This section displays the criteria learners need to meet to earn a "passed" certificate. As learners dive into the lessons, the "Status" column acts as a progress tracker, reflecting their performance on each requirement.

4. Lessons: See a list of all lessons within the course, gauge the time commitment for each, and click the dropdown arrow to reveal a brief description for each lesson.