The Discovery Tab: How to Explore and Find Content

The Discovery Tab: How to Explore and Find Content

By selecting Discovery from the main dashboard, Learners can start exploring all educational, vocational and self-improvement content Edovo has to offer. 

How to Explore and Find Content

The Learn tab is where Learners are able to explore tens of thousands of hours of content ranging from elementary and secondary education, job skills and resume building, to anger management and parenting content.

1. Categories: Dive into subject areas. Thousands of learning Items are categorized by topic, allowing you to browse related content. Click a category to explore its subcategories and find more focused items.

2. Search: Trying to find something specific? Use the search bar to find relevant content by title or description. Enter keywords like “parenting” to discover all parent-related material.

3. Points: Celebrate your progress! Edovo rewards Learners with points for every minute spent learning. These points are a fun way to track achievements and dedication.

Edovo offers a variety of content to fit Learner goals. Each content card displays icons or descriptions to help identify its type. Sometimes, content is grouped together into a series like a multi-part lesson plan. Other times, individual content pieces stand alone.

Head to the Edovo Content section of the Knowledge Base to learn more about conten