How a Learner can Unenroll from a Course

How a Learner can Unenroll from a Course

How a Learner can Unenroll from a Course

Edovo has hundreds of courses across a wide range of subjects. As a result, a Learner may occasionally start a course that isn't a great fit for them. If a Learner doesn’t plan on completing a course they started, they can unenroll (also referred to as “drop”) that course by clicking “Unenroll” on the course details page in Learn. To complete the unenrollment, the Learner must select their reasons for dropping the course, provide optional details, and confirm their intent to unenroll.

Unenrolling from a course does not clear previous progress in the course, but does remove it from the Recently Started section of My Edovo to help the Learner focus more on content they intend on completing. If a Learner unenrolls from an assigned course, it will remain assigned and continue to appear in the Assignments section of their app. 

Facility staff can see which courses have been dropped in the Course Engagement and Enrollments screens in Insight.