December 22, 2023 Release Notes

December 22, 2023 Release Notes

Accessing Multiple Facilities in Insight

Switching Facilities

If you use Edovo at multiple facilities within your agency, you can easily switch between facilities in Insight. To switch facilities, click the user menu in the top navigation bar (far right of the screen) and select Change Facilities. You will see a dropdown menu from which you can select from all the facility Insight instances you can access. Select your desired facility to navigate to the Insight home screen for that facility.

Note: If you do not see this option, or you do not have access to a facility you expect to, your agency’s Edovo administrator can add you to the correct facilities.

Viewing Analytics for Multiple Facilities

Strategic and Executive Insight users can access the Analytics screen. If you use Edovo at multiple facilities, you can view aggregate analytics for any and all of your facilities, regardless of what facility you’re logged into. By default, you will see data for your logged-in facility. Use the facility filter to add or remove facilities from your analytics view.

Dropping Courses

Edovo has hundreds of courses across a wide range of subjects. As a result, a Learner may occasionally start a course that isn't a great fit for them. If a Learner doesn’t plan on completing a course they started, they can drop that course by clicking Drop Course on the course details page in Learn. To complete the drop, the Learner must select their reasons for dropping the course, provide optional details, and confirm their drop.

Dropping a course does not clear previous progress in the course, but does remove it from the Recently Started section of My Edovo to help the Learner focus more on content they intend on completing. If a Learner drops an Assignment, it will remain assigned and continue to appear in the Assignments section of their app. 

Facility staff can see which courses are dropped in the Course Engagement and Enrollments screens in Insight.

Open Response Score (Beta)
By the end of January, 2024 Learners will be provided an overall course score based on three metrics:

  1. Quiz Score
  2. Open Response Score (NEW)
  3. Overall Time spent
Learners will receive a passing overall score when they meet minimum score requirements for each metric relevant to the course. Passing scores for each metric are:
  1. 70% or above quiz score (or the minimum quiz score value set by your facility)
  2. 80% or above open response score
  3. sufficient time spent in each lesson

The Open Response Score is a new measure of answer relevance and Learner effort in Essay and Short Answer questions. Answers for each required question are automatically evaluated using machine learning to produce a score for that question. Individual question scores are averaged to produce a lesson-level Open Response Score. Lesson scores are averaged to produce the overall course Open Response Score.

Open Response Scores allow Learners to prove they're meaningfully engaged in content, particularly with respect to self-reflection and the application of critical thinking skills to course topics.

Open Response Scores are available at facilities that have joined our beta testing program. Learn more or get involved in beta testing here.