Best of: Bob Pelshaw of the " Ask Bob" Series and Illegal to Legal Business

Best of: Bob Pelshaw of the " Ask Bob" Series and Illegal to Legal Business

Pelshaw Group

Bob Pelshaw is a nationally recognized business coach, author, and champion of those who decide to rebuild their lives through the power of entrepreneurship. He has created books and materials for the formerly incarcerated and for those who have fallen on hard times. This actionable approach to a second chance has helped transform the lives of many, including Bob himself who was previously incarcerated. 

Content Offered:

Ask Bob:
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In one of the most popular series on Edovo, Ask Bob is an advice column by Bob Pelshaw, formerly incarcerated citizen, successful entreprenuer, speaker, consultant, and author of award winning Illegal to Legal: Business success for the (Formerly) Incarcerated (book and workbook also available on Edovo). Bob provides content to Jails and Prisons Nationwide. 

Ask Bob answer questions about life, successful re-entry, starting a business and entrepreneurship, and most anything that adds value, except the column does not cover legal issues, sentencing matters, or case issues. To ask Bob a question, incarcerated individuals write to him at: 

PO Box 460671
Papillion, NE 68046

From Illegal to Legal: 

Many criminals and ex-cons don't have formal education or training, and often cannot get jobs earning enough to support themselves or their families. In jail, it’s not always possible to get an education or training beyond a G.E.D., which doesn’t prepare them for a well-paying career. Since it is difficult for ex-cons and others who have operated illegally to get jobs, much less well-paying jobs, it is likely they would return to a life of crime to support themselves and their families.  

Chapters include: 
  1. Finding Your Strengths
  2. Finding Your Passion
  3. Businesses to Start From $0
  4. Start With The End In Mind ( Business Planning) 
  5. Things to Know Before You Start
Also, included are over 25+ snapshots featuring potential business ideas!