Best Of: Mossimo Giannuli Personal Leadership Part 1-10

Best Of: Mossimo Giannuli Personal Leadership Part 1-10

Mossimo Giannulli is well known for building an apparel company that has generated billions of dollars in revenues.

And it all began with an idea for a t-shirt company. Throughout this course, you'll learn how Mossimo got his start, the goal-setting strategies he used to turn a t-shirt business into a multi-billion dollar success, and how you can take charge of your own life by expanding your capacities and strengths.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  1. Understand the values needed to overcome challenges and become successful.
  2. Define and explain what success means to you.
  3. Set clear goals and align those goals with the way you define success.
  4. Create an action plan to build a successful, meaningful life.
  5. Understand the importance of being aware of your environment.
  6. Strengthen your communication skills.
  7. Develop a stronger vocabulary.
Course Benefits:
If you fully commit to living the lessons taught in the Mossimo Giannulli: Personal Leadership course, you will be more likely to:
  1. Move forward with a 100 percent commitment to success.
  2. Visualize what your life will look like as you more successful.
  3. Take incremental steps every day, acting on the plan you create.
  4. Create accountability metrics that will allow you to adjust.
  5. Stay aware of opportunities and make the marketplace aware of why you’re worthy of mentoring or sponsorship.

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