August 2022 Content Release Notes

August 2022 Content Release Notes

August 2022 Content Release Notes

Content Provider: Prison Pod
About the Series:
This podcast is for people who are in jail or prison, and/or affected by incarceration. Using Sociology and Peace Studies to: Save Lives, Restore Hope, Reduce Suffering and Recidivism. The host has 20+ years of experience working inside several jails and prisons, providing education in substance abuse prevention, doing HIV testing and counseling, reentry planning, inmate advocacy, and mentoring. This work brought them into various areas of people's lives including coming home, marriages, births, courts, jail visits...death. Their passion for change has led them to produce this podcast. 
  • Prison Pod Episode #14 - College Education in Jails, Catching Up, and Upcoming Guests
    • Upcoming guests: Lauren Kessler - Author of "FREE: Two Years, Six Lives, and The Long Journey Home. (8/3/22) Stanley Andrisse - Author of "From Prison Cells to PhD" (8/17/22)
  • Prison Pod Episode #15 - Lauren Kessler
    • This episode features author Lauren Kessler. She talks about her work teaching a writing course in prison and her two books "A Grip of Time" and "Free: Two Years, Six Lives, and The Long Journey Home".
Content Provider: Central Church
Catholic Mass Services
  • Questions in the Valley
  • The Lord Is My Shepherd
  • Hills and valleys – You Know Me
  • Psalm 62
Content Provider: Heart of the Nation Catholic Mass Services
  • Heart of the Nation Catholic Mass - August 7, 2022
  • Heart of the Nation Catholic Mass - August 14, 2022
  • Heart of the Nation Catholic Mass - August 21, 2022
  • Heart of the Nation Catholic Mass - August 28, 2022
Content Provider: RemoteLink
About the Provider:
RemoteLink applies the principles and practices of engineering to meet the operational demands of GROWTH, SCALABILITY, INNOVATION and PROBLEM-SOLVING, for organizations.
  • Foundations for Life
    • Self Leadership forms the Foundation for everything we do in our lives. If our individual self leadership foundation is solid, everything we build on top of that foundation: career, family, friendships, recreational activities and everything meaningful that we try to do will stand firm and withstand the difficulties life throws at us. If we want those closest to us to have a solid Foundation for Life, we need to be willing and able to model what that looks like.
  • Taking the Lead
    • Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less. We all have the capacity for tremendous influence in every single one of our relationships - whether we realize it or not. We need to be the best steward of every opportunity for influence (leadership) in every relationship we have.
  • Thriving Teams
    • The whole is GREATER-THAN the sum of its parts. Successful Team Building requires us to BOTH Unleash the Masterpiece in each team member AND Unleash the GREATER-THAN of the whole team, regardless of our particular role or position within the team.
  • Transformational Rhythms
    • How can every single one of us still experience genuine purpose, meaning, love, hope, peace and joy in our lives, in the midst of all of the negative experiences we have endured in the past, are currently experiencing in the present and will experience in the future?
Content Provider: Erica Spiegelman
About the Course:
Do you feel trapped by unhealthy habits? Does it seem that no matter how much effort you put in, you just can't make positive changes last?
The truth is: Every person has the power to change their habits and their lives by rewiring their brains.
That's the Rewired Belief, and it's at the heart of this online wellness program. Throughout ten self-paced modules, we'll explore self-care, communication, our thoughts, time management, stress management, boundaries, and self-love, which will help you rewire your brain for recovery and wellness. Each module includes an in-depth topic overview, an exercise, journal prompt, discussion question, and affirmation that will reinforce the module's key takeaways.
Content Provider: Chayenu 
Select teachings and learnings on the Jewish faith
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #114
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #115
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #116
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #117
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #118
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #119
  • Chayenu Daily Torah Study #120
Content Provider: Prison Contemplative Fellowship 
About the Provider
Prison Fellowship staff and volunteers run events and programs in correctional facilities across the country, sharing the Gospel and spreading hope to incarcerated men and women.
  • Prison Contemplative Fellowship Centering Prayer Course of Study
    • Written Guide to Leading Centering Prayer Sessions in Prison
  • Holding Still, Centering Prayer and the Spiritual Journey
    • Documentary film featuring diverse group of men speaking about their years-long journey practicing Centering Prayer while serving time at Folsom Prison.
  • What Happens in Centering Prayer (Central Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about how they practice and experience Centering Prayer.
  • Our Honest Notions of God (Central Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about their notions of God while practicing Centering Prayer.
  • Toxic Shame - "I Am a Mistake" (Central Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about their personal histories and how Centering Prayer has enabled them to face toxic shame.
  • Flawed and Needy - The Worst Role Models (Concurrent Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about Centering Prayer has enabled them to face their personal histories.
  • I am More (Concurrent Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about how Centering Prayer has enabled them to value themselves.
  • A Lifelong Presence (Concurrent Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about how Centering Prayer has provided them with a lifelong presence of God, as each of them sees God.
  • The Ultimate Mystery (Concurrent Aspect of Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring men speaking about the mysterious and wonderful benefits of practicing Centering Prayer.
  • A Centering Prayer Session (for Facilitators)
    • Short film illustrating Centering Prayer session at Folsom State Prison.
  • A Centering Prayer Discussion Group (for Facilitators)
    • Short film illustrating a post-Centering Prayer discussion with former inmates of Folsom State Prison.
  • One Facilitator's Method (for Facilitators)
    • Short film featuring facilitator of Centering Prayer at Mule Creek Prison.
  • Centering Prayer - Getting Comfortable with the Silence (for Facilitators)
    • Short film featuring Founder and Director of Prison Contemplative Fellowship explaining Centering Prayer and its capacity for transformation.
  • Healing the Core Wounds (More Background on Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring Founder and Director of Prison Contemplative Fellowship speaking about the history and his own experience of Centering Prayer.
  • The Folsom Gardener (More Background on Centering Prayer)
    • Short film featuring Tyrone, former inmate at Folsom State Prison, speaking about how Centering Prayer changed his life.
Content Provider: Michael Santos 
About the Provider
Michael Gerard Santos is an American prison consultant, author of several books about prison, professor of criminal justice, and advocate for criminal justice reform. Santos spent 26 of a 40-year sentence inside 19 different United States federal prisons. During his decades of federal prison incarceration, Santos successfully transformed his life for the better by obtaining an education, getting married, writing several books, blogging, and working to prepare himself for a successful law-abiding life.
    • For 26 years, Michael Santos was a federal prisoner. During his life as a prisoner, he recalibrated, becoming more mindful of his responsibility to live as a good citizen. He created a disciplined plan with hopes of reconciling with society. In this text version of the book, you'll learn about the deliberate strategies Michael Santos used to prepare for success through his 9,500 days in prison. In this first installment, Part 1, you will learn how to develop a deliberate adjustment strategy that you can use to prepare for your own success.
    • For 26 years, Michael Santos was a federal prisoner. During his life as a prisoner, he recalibrated, becoming more mindful of his responsibility to live as a good citizen. He created a disciplined plan with hopes of reconciling with society. In this text version of the book, you'll learn about the deliberate strategies Michael Santos used to prepare for success through his 9,500 days in prison. In this first installment, Part 1, you will learn how to develop a deliberate adjustment strategy that you can use to prepare for your own success.
Content Provider: Order of Malta 
About the Provider
The Order of Malta is dedicated to the preservation of human dignity and the care of all those in need, regardless of race or religion. Founded in Jerusalem in the 11th century, the Order of Malta has a long history of service to the vulnerable and the sick.
  • Order of Malta Quarterly Newsletter Issue 1
    • This issue of the Order of Malta Newsletter explores the theme of redemption and the central Catholic belief that every soul is redeemable.